Database is queried.

Loading time is depending on the number of replacements observed.
A typical query takes between a couple of seconds to a minute.

Please be patient.

-animated loader-
replacement example
ChEMBL version:23
Data points:19'844'788
This web service is free for non-commercial use.

Commercial users find more information here.
SwissBioisostere provides access to our knowledgebase of molecular replacements, useful for compound optimization in drug design.

Two types of queries are suitable :
  • you are interested in a range of possible replacements for a single substructure
    e.g. replacements for an amide group )
  • you want to know details about a particular substructural replacement of interest
    e.g. carboxylic acid vs. tetrazole )
Depending on your question, please enter either one or two substructures of interest in the substructure box below and select Query Database.

For a replacement A->B query, please indicate attachment point in your substructures drawings by adding R-groups R1-R3 at the corresponding location in each o f the query structure.

Examples can be found here.

Ref.: Wirth, M., Zoete, V., Michielin, O., & Sauer, W. (2013) SwissBioisostere: a database of molecular replacements for ligand design, Nucleic Acids Research, 41 (D1), D1137-1143.

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